Провідна компанія Elsevier продовжує підтримку української науки та запрошує аспірантів, молодих вчених, дослідників  Одеського національного медичного університету на он-лайн тренінги та семінари.

На порталі представлено календар вебінарів, що проходитиме найближчим часом, та архів записаних вебінарів.



Full-text or abstract database? Find out what Scopus and ScienceDirect are all about (in 45 minutes)

The training is designed to introduce two Elsevier solutions - the ScienceDirect platform and Scopus. During the meeting, participants will learn how the two databases differ, how they are related to each other and when to use each of them.


Straight to the point! Scopus and ScienceDirect resources for the holiday season (in 45 minutes)

The training will combine holiday aura in simple searches in ScienceDirect and Scopus. In addition to the information necessary to get started with search engines, such as using logical operators, setting alerts for searches, new content and citations, participants can expect interesting examples that will make the world of science seen through rose-tinted glasses.


Traveling the meandering paths of... advanced searches in Scopus and ScienceDirect (in 45 minutes)

The training is designed to encourage participants to use advanced options in ScienceDirect and Scopus databases. Features such as searching in full text or in the "title, abstract, keywords" field, less common logical operators and masking characters will be discussed. Advanced search will be the starting point for demonstrating the broader functionalities of both databases so that the user can better exploit their potential, not only during the vacations.

Відео-архів вебінарів надається англійською та українською мовами.

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